After three years of around-the-clock tracking of COVID-19 data from...
Data Sources: Cases and deaths data from JHU CSSE. As of August 1, 2020, policy events are drawn from from various state-specific sources. Prior to that, the data source for policy events was the National Governor’s Association.
This page was last updated on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 06:58 AM EDT.
This timeline shows the major infection control measures and re-openings undertaken by states after the first COVID-19 cases appeared in the United States, alongside the number of new cases and deaths in each state over the same time period.
Dots on the timeline indicate key events in each state – closings (in red), openings (in green) and other policy changes and events (in grey). Clicking on a dot will display event details below the chart. Additionally, the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons move users through key events by day, allowing them to be viewed in chronological order. The timeline can be viewed against either new cases or new deaths. To see current cumulative case and death counts and daily counts for days with no policy events, click here.